Jennifer Michael - Chair of Capital Region Etsy Street Team (CREST)
I am a quilter, fashion designer, crafter, and a number cruncher. I discovered quilting about 8 years ago - the patterns, fabrics and intriquacies facinates me. I love it. I studied fashion design when I graduated from high school (way way back). Then life took hold of me and now I'm a mom and also love to do numbers crunching and a systems analyst. Crazy how life takes you to so do some many things. But my love for fashion and sewing all my life brought me to the Etsy World and I'm so in love now. My shop, CraftyStitches starte 3 years ago and this year is the first year where I put my full attention to it and now my most popular line The Perfect Bridesmaids have really taken off.
My recent participation with CREST really inspired me to take more of a leadership role in life, and what I love to do so... I want to be able to help all of us (myself included) take our artistry seriously. I hope, as the Chair of CREST, I will bring us to a spotlight with Etsy and the Washington Metro Area through collaborations of events and business training. Please feel free to send me any of your comments and suggestions and let's make something (dreams) happen.
Stay tuned for other position members to post their short blimb.